300 Email Marketing Tips
by Meera Kothand

Email Marketing Books

This is an incredible email marketing and overall marketing book that you need in your library. It's not just going to be something you can brag about reading, it's a book that you will use as a trusted reference over and over and over again.

I know I'm going to.

It's a super quick read, I think I read it in 3-5 hours.

And it has tons of actionable tips and advice that you can implement right away.

It has a simple layout, it's medium-size text and it's an easy page turner. I read the first 25 pages alone in 30 minutes and instantly received fantastic insights.

You can tell it has great information in it by looking at all the sentences I highlighted in pink.

The content in here is just phenomenal!

Meera gives excellent advice about the difference between building a list of freebies seekers versus building a list of buyers.

I related to this a lot because early on in my list building, I just put out lead magnets for people to get free stuff that never actually led to the sale of a product.

I would always sell an unrelated product later.

She outlines the seven elements of a high converting lead magnet that are priceless to know and implement when you're ready.

She gives great insight about using opt in forms on your site and the placement for them and makes an important distinction between using opted forms versus landing pages, which there is a big difference.

She discusses unique places on social media to share links to landing pages.

She gives excellent advice about having a welcome series, that's very very important and I talk about that in one of my training videos and the necessary elements that should be in your welcome series.

Even though this book is called 300 tips, it goes way beyond simple tips because Meera provides deeper training about understanding your audience and their five stages of awareness and teaches about the importance of nudging them along the path to getting the sale.

She provides great examples of opening conversations with subscribers, teasing them to open future emails, the importance of getting subscribers to make micro commitments, and checklists of questions to ask and follow.

She doesn't give many email templates for you to use in this book, but the one that she does give is for re-engaging subscribers and it has awesome strategies in it.

Overall, your investment in this book will pay you dividends for the rest of your career.

I think I paid $12.99 for it brand new and I have already been able to implement a lot of the things that she talks about and they are going to greatly improve my sales and the ability I have to build relationships of trust with my subscribers.

I loved reading this book and ate up everything I was reading because the content was so helpful.

I hope you enjoy this book review if there's someone you feel would benefit from it please share it using the share buttons on my site.

I hope you find this book valuable when it comes to achieving your business goals.

I highly recommend this book!

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